Friday, June 19, 2009


Skyfire, a free, downloadable mobile browser, gives you a Web browsing experience exactly like PC browsing. Watch videos, connect with friends, listen to music, and shop. It’s the PC web, real fast.
Watch any video

Stay connected

YouTube, Hulu, any web video - you name it - it's playing on Skyfire. Skyfire is the only mobile browser that supports full Flash and Windows Media videos, including Flash 10 and Silverlight 2.0.

Follow your friends' Facebook and Twitter updates plus keep track of news, sports, video and other content in your own customizable activity feed.

Share instantly

Browse any page

Easily share what you find on the web or what you are up to. Post web pages and status updates to Facebook and Twitter, with one click!

Browse your favorite websites on Skyfire exactly like you do on your PC. No compromises! We’re the only mobile browser to support all major Web 2.0 standards – Ajax, Javascript, Flash 10 – it just works.

Symbian s60 3rd edition

What is Skyfire?

Skyfire is a free, downloadable mobile browser that gives you a Web browsing experience exactly like PC browsing.
The best mobile browsing experience

For the first time ever, on your phone, you can watch any video, connect with friends, listen to music, shop, and browse the web using the full-featured PC versions of your favorite websites. With Skyfire, mobile browsing just works - speedy page loads, full video, images and audio.

Install Guide For SkyFire All Country Non US :

1. Get a US number that starts with +1 from yellow pages.doesnt matter if its a white house number.

2. You must have a valid email.

3. A symbian phone (3rd edtion ofcourse)

4. Gnubox or joikuspot premium or a broadband connection on your pc.

5. Get registerd at -
6. When you submit your registration you will be notified by sms and email.check your email for the download link and download the application.
remember that application will only work on your phone.forget the sms

Here we are done with registration process,now get ready for the real stuff!!


IF you have a WIFI phone then things are easy for you.just hook your phone to a lan connection.

Folks who have non WIFI phone can use gnubox method.(no need to explain)just search around the forum how to do that.

If you have two WIFI phones then you can use the joikuspot premium method i.e. make one phone WIFI hot spot and browse from other.

Update: no need to do the wifi or ip trick,u can browse anyway u like,
And use any phone number u like weather it exist or not.

Thanks for your time.

Skyfire delivered pages in one third of the time it took Safari or Opera. It's because Skyfire cheats.Unmentioned in Laptop's piece is that the Skyfire browser actually shows you a page that has been pre-crunched by Skyfire's servers, so it's essentially showing you an image. And yeah, since the browser itself isn't doing any heavy lifting, it's going to fly. But stuff like text entry is annoying, since you have to input text, send that back to Skyfire, and then it comes back to you. Flash works the same way, but hey, at least it does flash. We're not really sure what's up withOpera Mobile9.5 taking twice as long as Safari to render a page.
see the skyfire in action See This Video :


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